TechnologyObjectives (by Grade Level)
Students will... Kindergarten: K.1 ...have an awareness of computer components and basic computer operations. K.2 aware of the Internet as a source for information and communication. Grade 1: 1.1 computer components and execute basic computer operations. 1.2 exposed to the Internet as a source for information and communication through teacher modeling. 1:3 exposed to home row keys and practice this. 1.4 ...type a complete sentence with correct capitalization and punctuation. Grade 2: 2.1 ...begin to use the computer as a word processor and be exposed to proper keyboarding techniques. 2.2 ...use the Internet as a resource for information under teacher direction. 2.3 ...contribute to curriculum-based technology projects. 2.4 ...practice home row keys and add all other keys. 2.5 able to type a poem. Grade 3: 3.1 ...type edit and alter a word processing document. 3.2 ...use the Internet as a resource for information. 3.3 ...use technology for solving problems, develop decision-making skills, and participate in project-based learning activities that support curriculum objectives. 3.4 introduced to the term copyright and issues surrounding it, as well as acceptable uses of technology. 3.5 introduced to the spreadsheet environment. 3.6 ...practice keyboarding - all keys. 3.7 able to type a paragraph. Grade 4: 4.1 ...use word processing/proper keyboarding techniques to aid in specific tasks and be able to produce a fully-edited, spell-checked, finished piece. 4.2 ...use the Internet as a resource for information. 4.3 ...will use technology to solve problems, develop decision-making skills, and participate in project-based learning activities that support curriculum objectives. 4.4 ...follow copyright laws and policies concerning acceptable use. 4.5 introduced to the concept and use of a database. 4.6 introduced to the spreadsheet environment. 4.7 ...choose the technology most appropriate to solve problems and tasks. 4.8 ...continue keyboarding. 4.9 able to type a few paragraphs. Grade 5: 5.1 ...use word processing/proper keyboarding techniques to aid in specific tasks and be able to produce a fully-edited, spell-checked, finished piece . 5.2 ...use the Internet as a resource for information. 5.3 ...use technology to solve problems, develop decision-making skills, and participate in project-based learning activities that support curriculum objectives. 5.4 ...follow copyright laws and policies concerning acceptable use. 5.5 ...use databases to aid in completing specific tasks. 5.6 ...use spreadsheets to aid in completing specific tasks. 5.7 introduced to presentation software. 5.8 introduced to Google Apps. 5.9 able to type a short paper (about 1 page). Grade 6: 6.1 ...use word processing/proper keyboarding techniques to aid in specific tasks and be able to produce a fully edited, spell-checked, grammar-checked finished piece. 6.2 ...use the Internet as a resource for information. 6.3 ...use technology to solve problems, develop decision-making skills, and participate in project-based learning activities that support curriculum objectives. 6.4 ...follow copyright laws and policies concerning acceptable use. 6.5 ...use databases to complete specific tasks. 6.6 ...use spreadsheets to aid in completing specific tasks and analyze data. 6.7 ...continue to use presentation software. 6.8 ...continue to use Google Apps. 6.9 able to type a short paper (2-3 pages). Grade 7: 7.1 ...use word processing/proper keyboarding techniques to aid in specific tasks and be able to produce a fully-edited, spell-checked, grammar-checked finished piece. 7.2 ...use the Internet as a resource for information. 7.3 ...use technology to solve problems, develop decision-making skills, and participate in project-based learning activities that support curriculum objectives. 7.4 ...follow copyright laws and policies concerning acceptable use. 7.5 ...use databases to complete specific tasks. 7.6 ...use spreadsheets to aid in completing specific tasks and analyze data. 7.7 ...use presentation software regularly. 7.8 ...use Google Apps regularly. 7.9 able to type a long paper (3-5 pages). Grade 8: 8.1 ...use word processing/proper keyboarding techniques to aid in specific tasks and be able to produce a fully-edited, spell-checked, grammar-checked finished piece. 8.2 ...use the Internet as a resource for information. 8.3 ...use technology to solve problems, develop decision-making skills, and participate in project-based learning activities that support curriculum objectives. 8.4 ...follow copyright laws and policies concerning acceptable use. 8.5 ...use databases and spreadsheets to complete specific tasks. 8.6 ...master the use of presentation software. 8.7 ...master the use of Google Apps. 8.8 ...investigate the history of various technologies; research and assess the impacts of technology on individuals, society, and the environment; investigate the interactive and dynamic relationship between people and technology; and to apply technological knowledge and use systems and tools to solve practical problems. 8.9 able to type a long paper (4-7 pages). |